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Experienced Leadership For All Saratoga


Driving force behind Park, Trail and Open Space Efforts
Solid Conservative Financial Policies and Sustainable Budgets
Resolved City Pension Liability Saving City $11M
Member of City Finance Committee for 8 Years
Updated Sign, Noise, Fence and Parking Ordinances
Initiated Citywide Public Process to Update Saratoga Village


Elect Howard Miller for All Saratoga

Continue the Momentum

 On these Critical Projects


Parks, Trails and Open Space

Led Effort to Expand Kevin Moran Park


Led Effort to Create 64-Acre Quarry Park

  • Acquired, Annexed, Designed, Built and with Grand Opening in 2015


 America in Bloom 2015 winner

  • Led Judges on Citywide Park Tours and Hikes

  • Established City Flower


Leading Effort to Reconnect Guava Court and Fredericksburg Drive

  • Received $350K Grant from VTA

  • City now working with CPUC for Approval


Annexed Cooper-Garrod Farms, Establishing Conservation Easement and New Trails

Improving Government for All Saratogans

Can Now Legally get your Oil Changed in Saratoga


No Longer have to Wait 60 Days for a Permit to Cut Down a Dead Tree (and it's Now Free)


It is Now Faster and Cheaper to Open a Small Business in Saratoga


Improved Noticing for all Projects in the City


Improved Tree, Fence, Noise, Parking and other Ordinances


Established Improved City Communications including and Project Videos


Did first Citywide Poll in a Decade and Established on-going City Polls


Many other Laws Simplified, made Reasonable and Logical

City Finance

8 Years on City Finance Committee, 6 as Chairperson​


Refinanced City Library Bond, Saving Tax Payers over $2M


Pension and Health Care Liabilities:

  • Paid-Down Half of City Pension Liability Saving City Over $7.5M

  • Accelerated Payments of Remaining Pension Liability Saving City Over $3.5M

  • Negotiated Pension and Health Care Reform with all City Labor Unions


Established Capital Project Nomination and Communications Processes for Transparency


Established Comprehensive Reserve Policies and Rain-day Funds​


Established Policies for Vehicle & Equipment Replacement


Brought in New City Audit Firm.  And we have Clean Audits.


GFOA Distinguished Budget Award Winner

West Valley Solid Waste Management

Led West Valley Solid Waste Management Authority for 4 Years

Led Negotiations for New 10 Year Contract Providing:

  • Improved Recycling Options

  • Providing new Annual Funding:

    • $350K for Saratoga Roads

    • $80K for Street Sweeping

    • $166K for General City Expenses


Led Effort to Install First Pay-for-Use EV Charging Stations

Led Effort for DC Fast Charging Station at Library (2017)


Championed Grass Reduction and Water Efficient Landscaping at City Parks

New Water Efficiency Landscape Ordinance


Expanded eWaste Recycling through the City and Region


Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority

  • Board Member

  • Executive Committee Member

Bringing 100% Green House Gas Free Electricity for a Rate Less than PG&E (2017)


Elect Howard Miller for All Saratoga
Elect Howard Miller for All Saratoga
Erin Miller with Coach Howard Miller
I was born and raised in the San Francisco Bay Area.
I earned a BS from Cal Poly, San Luis Obispo and a MS from Stanford.  I have 31 years of engineering management experience at HP and Apple. I recently retired from Apple after more than 23 years, having led Apple's printing efforts, co-invented AirPrint and was named on 19 US Patents.
I moved to Saratoga over 22 years ago.  My wife Sandy and I built a house, making it our home and raised 5 wonderful kids.
I ran the AYSO Saratoga Soccer and Pacific Coast Spring Soccer leagues and was honored with a National Volunteer of the year award.  I was an assistant Scout Master leading summer camps and mentored 13 Eagle Scouts.  I volunteer with School Music, Drama, Speech & Debate and have done guest lectures on leadership.
For almost 8 years I have represented you on the Saratoga City Council. I have worked diligently as a Council Member and 2-term Mayor to improve our city for All Saratoga. I provided constructive and effective leadership during the worst economic downturn and recovery in our city’s history. I worked to solidify our city finances, upgrade our roads and parks, simplify city regulations, improve our business climate, lower taxes, and protect the integrity & beauty of our city & neighborhoods.
Olson Miller Family at the Graduation of Christine Miller
Howard Miller, Lt. Col Jeff Miller and John Miller

I want to hear from you.

Send me your questions or comments.

Tel: 408.802.4034

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Please add your name to the list of the many community leaders that have joined with me to help make great things happen for Saratoga and the region.

Cynthia Chang and Howard Miller at SMB Pancake Breakfast
Chuck Page and Howard Miller Leading 4th of July Celebration

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© 2016 by Howard Miller

All other Trademarks and Copyrights are the property of their respective owners

Committee to Elect Howard Miller for Council 2016 FPPC # 1388792

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